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How does the PCT filter cartridge retain mineral elements and trace elements that are beneficial to the human body during the filtration process?

The reason why the PCT filter cartridge can retain mineral elements and trace elements that are beneficial to the human body during the filtration process is mainly due to its scientifically designed layered structure and the unique properties of each layer of material.
First of all, the initial filter layer of the PCT filter cartridge, PP cotton, plays a vital role. PP cotton has become the first line of defense for water purification with its excellent physical filtration performance. When the water flows through the PP cotton layer, the PP cotton uses its fine fiber structure to effectively block large particles of impurities in the water. These impurities, such as sediment, suspended solids, rust and colloids, are quickly separated under the interception of PP cotton, ensuring the initial purification of water. The filtration in this step not only ensures the cleanliness of the water quality, but also provides a good foundation for the subsequent operation of the filter layer. Because when the large impurities in the water are removed by the PP cotton layer, the burden on the subsequent filter layer will be greatly reduced, thus improving the filtration efficiency and service life of the entire filter element. The filter pore size of PP cotton is relatively large, which allows it to allow water molecules and minerals and trace elements dissolved in the water to pass smoothly. These minerals and trace elements have important nutritional effects on the human body. For example, calcium, magnesium, etc. are helpful for bone health, and zinc, iron, etc. are involved in the human body's metabolic process. Therefore, the filtration performance of PP cotton not only ensures the cleanliness of water quality, but also retains the beneficial components in the water, achieving a balance between filtration and retention.
As an important part of the PCT filter cartridge, the compressed activated carbon layer further improves the filtration effect. Activated carbon, as a material with a highly porous structure and strong adsorption capacity, is widely used in the field of water treatment. In the PCT filter cartridge, the compressed activated carbon layer effectively removes odors and colors from the water through its unique adsorption mechanism, providing users with purer and fresher water quality. The adsorption capacity of activated carbon comes from the rich micropore and mesopore structure on its surface. These pore structures can adsorb organic substances, heavy metal ions and other harmful substances in the water, allowing them to be separated from the water. At the same time, the porous structure of activated carbon also greatly increases its surface area, thus improving the adsorption efficiency. This powerful adsorption capacity allows the compressed activated carbon layer to effectively remove odors and colors from water, improving the overall purity of the water. However, the adsorption of activated carbon will not cause loss of minerals and trace elements in the water. Since these beneficial ingredients usually exist in the form of small molecules in the water, they can pass through the pore structure of the activated carbon smoothly and be retained in the filtered water. Therefore, the compressed activated carbon layer ensures the retention of minerals and trace elements beneficial to the human body in the water while removing harmful substances.
Next is the high-precision PP cotton layer, which has higher filtration accuracy and can intercept smaller particles, further improving water quality. High-precision PP cotton adopts a finer fiber structure, and its filter pore size is smaller, which can block those tiny particles that may be missed by the initial filter layer. These tiny particles may include tiny suspended solids, colloids, and other tiny impurities. Through the filtration of the high-precision PP cotton layer, these impurities are effectively intercepted, thereby further improving the cleanliness of the water. The filtration of the high-precision PP cotton layer will not have any impact on the minerals and trace elements in the water. Due to their small size, these beneficial components can smoothly pass through the filter pores of high-precision PP cotton and remain in the filtered water. Although the filtration precision has been improved, the nutrients in the water are still retained, meeting the body's needs for minerals and trace elements.
Finally, the T33 coconut shell activated carbon layer plays a vital role in the filtration process. With its unique adsorption properties, coconut shell activated carbon can not only remove residual odors and colors in water, but also adsorb and remove harmful substances in water, such as heavy metal ions and harmful organic matter. However, due to its porous structure and adsorption selectivity, T33 coconut shell activated carbon does not adsorb minerals and trace elements in the water. These beneficial components can pass through smoothly and are ultimately retained in the filtered water.
To sum up, the PCT filter cartridge achieves the goal of removing harmful substances while retaining mineral elements and trace elements that are beneficial to the human body through its fine layered structure and the specific functions of each layer of material. This design not only ensures the purity of the water, but also meets the human body's needs for minerals and trace elements, thus providing us with healthy and nutritious mineral water. Whether it is for home drinking or commercial applications, PCT filter cartridges can provide us with safe, healthy and delicious drinking water.