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Can the refrigerator water filter-KR series remove other harmful substances in the water?

The ability of the refrigerator water filter-KR series to remove harmful substances from water mainly depends on the type of activated carbon used and the design of the filtration technology. The KR series uses NSF-certified high-grade pickled coconut shell activated carbon, which has good adsorption capacity.
Significant removal of chlorine: Chlorine is a commonly used disinfectant in tap water. Although it effectively kills bacteria and viruses in the water, it also leaves residual chlorine and other chlorides in the water. These substances may have adverse effects on human health, such as irritation. Skin and respiratory tract. The KR series water filter is specially designed to deal with this problem. Through the strong adsorption capacity of activated carbon, it can effectively remove chlorine from water, thereby significantly improving water quality and making drinking water safer and healthier.
Remove odors and odors: Tap water sometimes contains unpleasant odors and odors, which often originate from organic matter, microorganisms or other pollutants in the water. KR series water filters utilize the large specific surface area and highly developed pore structure of activated carbon to quickly capture and adsorb these odor and odor substances. Whether it is humus, algae or other organic substances from the water, the KR series water filter can effectively remove it and bring you fresh, pure drinking water.
Removal of organic solvents and pigments: Organic solvents and pigments in water not only affect the appearance of the water, but may also cause potential harm to human health. The KR series water filter uses high-quality activated carbon material, which has good adsorption performance and can adsorb and remove organic solvents and pigments in the water. This can not only reduce the color of the water and improve the clarity of the water, but also effectively remove harmful substances in the water and improve the water quality.
Removal of heavy metal ions: Heavy metal ions are one of the common pollutants in water, such as lead, mercury, cadmium, etc., which pose potential threats to human health. Although activated carbon has relatively weak adsorption capacity for heavy metal ions, the KR series water filter can remove heavy metal ions in water to a certain extent through careful design and optimization. The adsorption of activated carbon combined with other filter materials can effectively reduce the content of heavy metal ions in the water and protect the health of you and your family.
Inhibit bacterial growth: In addition to removing harmful substances from water, KR series water filters also have certain antibacterial capabilities. The adsorption of activated carbon can remove nutrients from bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms in the water, thereby indirectly inhibiting their growth and reproduction. In addition, KR series water filters may also use other antibacterial technologies, such as ultraviolet disinfection or silver ion antibacterial, to further improve water safety.
The above functions are only based on the general characteristics of activated carbon and the characteristics of the KR series water filter. In order to ensure the good filtration effect, it is recommended that users replace the filter element regularly and follow the instructions for correct installation and maintenance.